Download Aware Project Data

Easily download your Aware project data, including zipped file geodatabases with project locations and Pivvot layers, as well as raster files of elevation, landcover, and slope with the data package download.

Project Data is available to download once project generation is complete. Aware data package download consists of:

  • Project.gdb - A zipped File Geodatabase containing all project Locations and their buffers
  • Archive.gdb - A zipped File Geodatabase containing Aware Layers from Pivvot's database. Note: This may not include all layers.
  • Zipped raster files of Elevation, Landcover, and Slope for each project Location.*

* Note: In order to generate the elevation and slope raster in Aware you must add the Percent Slope dataset to the project setup. For more information on project editing datasets, see Manage Aware Projects

Generate Pivvot Data Package

  1. On the locations panel, click the create data package icon. 
  2. This process will take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours depending on complexity. While the report is generating, you can view the status in the downloads panel.
  3. Once the green check appears, you can download the data package by clicking on the green check in the downloads panel.


For more information on Aware deliverables, see Generate and View Aware Report Deliverables