Transfer All Siting or Aware Projects to Another User

In some circumstances, it may be necessary to move a user's projects into another user's account. Only Account Admins can move projects from one user to another.

When a user leaves the team or no longer uses Pivvot, transferring projects allows for a seamless transition without losing any of the team's work. This action moves all of one user's projects to another user's account, ensuring that the work is preserved and accessible to the team.

To transfer projects,

1. Click on the Account console icon on the main Pivvot page.

2. Select the user console icon

3. Select the username you would like to transfer projects from.

4. Right click on the username of the current project owner in the list on the left. Select the transfer icon.

5. Select the checkbox for Siting to choose to move Siting projects, Aware to move Aware projects. Choose the user to move the projects to from the dropdown list of users in your Pivvot account access to the appropriate platform and click on the Transfer button. Account admins can manage Siting and Aware access in the Admin console, which you can read more about here: Account: User Console

Please note that projects shared with other users will remain shared after the transfer.

When transferring Siting projects, projects will be transferred in their folders to the new account. Any projects not in folders will arrive in the new account in a folder labeled "Project Transfer."