Style a Layer

You are able to customize how a layer is displayed in Map.  There are two methods for styling a layer:

  • Basic -Style all features the same. For example, all roads are displayed as black lines.
  • Category -Style features based on a column value in the parent dataset. For example, private roads are displayed as black lines and public roads are displayed as red lines.


The system defaults to the Basic style type. Proceed to Style Properties to customize the layer's style.


To configure styles using the Category method

  1. Select the Style type dropdown > select a column under the Category header.

To configure the style for each category value

  1. Select on an item in the Preview window.
  2. Configure its style properties.
Style Properties

Legend label

The legend label is displayed in the Map Layers flyout when you expand a Layer to view its legend.  It typically describes what is the feature.


To edit the Legend label

  1. Select in the Legend label input box.
  2. Type the desired value.
  3. Validate the value in the Preview window.
  4. Click the Save icon at the top right.

Display zoom level

The Display zoom level property determines what zoom level a feature will appear on the map. Another way of putting this; is how close or far out am I until I see the features displayed.  This configuration is very helpful in managing performance and the overall experience for the user.  For example, it is intensive to draw 10 meter contour lines for the state of Colorado at a zoom level of State when in reality it's impractical to view them at that level because you can't make out their details.

We have provided options ranging from

  • Street (features display when you are zoomed in very close on the map)


  • Country (features display when you are zoomed out very far on the map)

To edit the Display zoom level

  1. Select the dropdown > pick a value.


You can customize the shape of the a feature displayed on the map.

To edit the shape

  1. Select the dropdown > pick a value.
  2. Validate the shape in the Preview window.
  3. Click the Save icon at the top right.


You can customize the size of the features displayed on the map.

To edit the size of a feature

    1. Select in the Width input > type or toggle the value.
    2. Validate the shape in the Preview window.
    3. Click the Save icon at the top right.

Note:The Preview has limits to the size of a feature it will display, however the true size will be displayed correctly in Map.



  1. Color gradient for chosen color.
  2. Color ramp. Modify this to change the primary color.
  3. Opacity - Slide the black circle to the desired opacity or enter a value between 0 and 1 in the A input box.
    1. Zero - The element is fully transparent (that is, invisible).
    2. Any number between zero and one -The element is translucent (that is, content behind the element can be seen).
    3. One - The element is fully opaque (visually solid).
  4. Color type - Click the up/down arrows to pick between Hex, RGB, HSL.

Border / Outline

You can add a border or outline around your shape.

  1. Select the Shape dropdown > pick a value.
  2. Select a border/outline Width.
  3. Select a border/outline Color.
  4. Validate the changes in the Preview window.
  5. Click the Save icon at the top right.