Objective Paths define a routing project's parameters by specifying a start and end point, optionally adding intermediary points, and using these paths to establish an Area of Interest (AOI) for route generation.
Objective Paths
Pivvot Route utilizes objective paths to define the starting and ending points of a route. These paths allow you to indicate where the route should begin, the direction it should take, the specific points it should pass through, and where it should ultimately end.
The objective path or paths that you include in your project will define the AOI (area of interest) that Pivvot Route utilizes for generating your routes.
Add Objective Paths to your Project
Once you have created your project, you need to add at least one Objective Path. You can draw or upload a line (KML/KMZ or zipped shapefile) to use to build a route.
To draw your objective path, click on the line icon to active the drawing tool, then click in the map to start creating your path. objective Paths only require start and end point/objectives however adding intermediate objectives are useful for projects that need to target a specific midpoint in the routing process.
You can add multiple objective paths to add alternatives to your routes.
To edit your objective path, click on the edit icon then select/move the vertices in the map.
Reporting Only Route Projects
Uploaded lines can easily be used to generate the desired AOI for REPORTING ONLY ROUTES (if a system generated route is not required). The uploaded line will be used again in the Routes panel. [ADD LINK to ROUTES PANEL]
Create the AOI for your Route Project
Once you have your objective paths added to your project, click the Preview AOI button.
Your area of interest will appear shaded and will include the area that Pivvot Route will use to generate your route, reports and data.
To modify the AOI, you can edit the objective path. When you are ready, click the Confirm AOI button.
The AOI is now building, this will take several minutes.
When complete, the status displays a green check on the Confirm AOI button.