Download Pivvot Data and Project Data from Route

In the Route Downloads panel, you can generate and download Pivvot data, project data, route(s) KMZ/KML, and elevation and landcover .tif raster files of your project.

Route Data Downloads

Leverage the data downloads to transfer Pivvot's data and your customized route or routes from Pivvot's platform to any GIS application or Google Earth. By utilizing these downloads, you can easily access all the necessary data to carry out your project work in another application. Depending on your tier, your Pivvot subscription offers a certain number of data downloads. 

Modify Your Project's Data Download Area

Pivvot Route automatically sets up the Area of Interest (AOI) for your route, but you have the option to adjust the boundaries of the area where you want to generate your data downloads. Depending on your data needs, your downloads could include more or less area than the original AOI. You can find the function to edit the Data Download Area in the downloads panel.

To adjust the download area:

1. Select the edit "Edit Shape" icon. 

2. Once in edit mode, the vertices of the data download area will be visible on the map. 

3. Drag and drop vertices to modify the data download area. 

4. Once edits are complete, select the edit shape icon again to stop the editing session. 

Note: If needed, select "Reset to AOI" to restore the download area to its original shape. 

Download Project Data and Pivvot Data

You can download and view project data to understand spatial relationships and to see the data that drives the routing process from the Downloads menu.

To download your data, first you need to generate the data packages. To Generate and Download project data:

  1. Select the icon for the type of download you want to generate:



Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 3.58.54 PM
Data Package
  • archive.gdb - Esri file geodatabase containing the Pivvot data layers that occur within the project's AOI. These are the layers that were selected in the Project Details in addition to the required Routing datasets.
  • In addition to the archive data, this file will also contain a .tif file of the project's landcover and elevation. 
Note: Due to licensing restrictions the Energy Infrastructure (i.e. powerlines, substations, existing pipelines) data is not included in the Pivvot Data download.  Please contact Pivvot Support to discuss options. 
Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 3.59.17 PM Project Package
  • project.gdb - Esri file geodatabase containing the project's routes, mileposts, AOI, objective path(s), and any exclusion areas.
  • In addition, a .tif file of the cost surface and the suitability corridor (if available with your subscription) for each project route will also be included in the project.gdb file. 
Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 3.59.25 PM Project KMZ
  • [ProjectName].kmz - Google KMZ containing the routes and mileposts in the project. 


2. While the data is generating, you can monitor its progress:


Download has not started



Download has started

Download is generating
    Download is ready. Click to download


Note: If any changes have occurred to the Routes, Objective Paths, or Exclusion Areas, the project data must be re-generated to include the updated data.

3. Select the green check to download and view the project data. 


Next Steps

Downloading Crossing Reports from Route


If you have any questions about functionality, data, or workflows, please contact client success at