Release Notes 2021.05.20

  • Ability to delete multiple project sites simultaneously. This supports both Shift-Click and CTRL (CMD for Macs)-Click strategies for selecting records. Once you have the records selected you can either right-click within the Project Sites grid and choose Remove from project or click the Trash can icon at the far right of the Project Sites grid.

We'll be supporting Calculating Usable Area on multiple records in an upcoming release.

  • Ability to specify a Center Location by hand drawing a polyline feature in the map, similar to the Map Point feature. This will be useful when prospecting along a powerline that is not represented in the Pivvot data.
  • Performance Improvement - In an effort to improve drawing time for parcel layers we are not displaying "small" parcels until you are zoomed to a level where you are be able to see the interior of the polygon.
  • Interconnect Queues - The Pivvot data team has gathered, geo-referenced, and published interconnect queues for ISOs located in the contiguous US. Here's what you can expect:
    • The majority of the queues are located at the center of the associated County. However, depending on available location information queues may also be located at the State or County Subdivision level and, where possible, at a specific Substation.
    • A "Interconnect Queue" Pivvot map layer has been created. The symbology and labeling are based on the number of applications at a particular queue.
    • Similar to substations and powerlines you can click on a queue location and view the individual applications, associated attributes, and set the queue as your Center Location.
  • High Resolution Slope (Pivvot Siting only) - Currently, usable area calculations and our elevation related deliverables (slope, elevation, and aspect surfaces) are based on the USGS 10 meter digital elevation models. With this release you now have the OPTION to leverage 3 meter digital elevation data. This is a very preliminary release which means over the next couple of sprints we will continue to make improvements, particularly around workflows.
    • Below are some considerations to keep in mind as you decide to use this feature:
      • Leveraging the high resolution slope feature will significantly impact performance for usable area calculations and building the data package.
      • Enabling this option will create a high resolution dataset for each of your project sites. Therefore, it will be necessary to re-build the high resolution dataset each time a new site is added to a project OR if a site has been modified.
      • We currently have coverage for the following states. We'll continue to add additional states on an on-going basis.
        • Pennsylvania
        • Virginia
        • Ohio
        • Indiana
        • Colorado
        • Tennessee
        • Texas
        • Arizona
        • Louisiana
        • Nevada
        • Iowa
        • Minnesota
    • Workflow for a new Siting Project
      • Generate Search results
      • Add sites to the Project Sites tab
      • Expand the High Resolution Criteria panel
      • Enable the high resolution option. NOTE: This can be done at anytime.
      • Configure the appropriate slope ranges. Notes:
        • To add a slope range - Click the plus icon at the right edge of slider.
        • To remove a slope range - Left click and drag the point to the left edge of the slider.
        • The high resolution slope data has an upper limit of 10%.
      • Click Build. Notes:
        • It will take several minutes to build the high resolution dataset for each of your project sites. This time will increase based on the number of project sites.
        • Important: Be sure this process has completed before calculating usable area or generating the data package.
        • Reminder: It will be necessary to re-build the high resolution dataset each time a new site is added to a project OR if a site has been modified. We recommend waiting until you have settled on your project sites before enabling the High Resolution option.
      • Open Usable Area Criteria panel
        • Enable the High Res Slope constraint
        • Click the "cog" icon to configure the high resolution slope criteria.
        • Specify the ranges that are not considered usable. NOTE: If you disable the High Res Slope option on the Usable Area Criteria panel this configuration will be reset.
      • Calculate Usable Area
    • Data Package Deliverables
      • parcel_dem Folder
      • 3 meter elevation surface
      • 3 meter slope surface
      • 3 meter aspect surface
    • archive.gdb
      • Contour feature class
      • Project_Slope_Decoder table - Used to interpret slope surface values.
    • LiDAR folder
      • Contains raw LiDAR points used to create 3 meter elevation data.


If you have any further questions about these new updates, please reach out to