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- Release Notes - 2021
Release Notes 2021.03.25
Google Places and Lat/Long search are now available in Siting.
Ability to Upload Sites. A couple of things to note...
- Supported formats: KML/KMZ
- The upload sites feature is available in the Project Sites section of the records panel.
- Since an uploaded site can take any shape or size or span one, multiple, or parts of a tax map boundary Parcel Reports are not supported. The Parcel Report icon will be grayed out.
- We have a small bug that will get addressed in our next release in two weeks.
- Issue - Occurs only on new projects. Constraint Panel displays "To get started" information after sites have been added.
- Temporary Workaround - After you have uploaded your sites > click the Map Point feature in the "To get started" section of the Siting Criteria panel >> click anywhere on the Map >> Constraint panel will become available.
If you have any further questions about these new updates, please reach out to support@pivvot.com.