Pivvot is proud to announce our latest Route and Siting enhancements!
Pivvot Route
Inactive Routes
Pivvot now supports the ability to characterize a route as inactive. An inactive route will no longer be included in the deliverables page, KMZ downloads, the reports or the site view.
To change a route to inactive, select the button located at the right of the route record.
If at anytime a user would like to make a route active again, select the same button to change its status.
Pivvot Siting
Siting Dashboard
Pivvot now utilizes the Siting Dashboard to give a comprehensive view of all Siting projects with in a users account or all sites at the account level, depending on the role that is enabled. Sites on the dashboard will be visualized with an orange circle with the number of sites included.
To open a specific Siting Project, zoom to the location on the map and select the site that you would like to view. Once selected, the search panel will display the owner name. Hover on the record and the map symbol will appear to the right of the record (see below). When the map symbol is selected, the siting project will appear in the siting console.
To navigate back to the Siting Dashboard, select the Dashboard symbol located at the top left of the Siting console.
If you have any questions about these new updates, please reach out to support@pivvot.com.