
To access the Measure tool:

  1. Open Tools  .
  2. Click Measure .

Steps to operate the Measure tool:

  1. Click Measure .
  2. Verify units for distance and area.
  3. Left click on the map where you want to start measuring.
  4. Left click new location(s) on the map to extend path. The measure graphic will extend to this new location and the cumulative distance will be reported at both end-points. Notice that a semi-transparent point is created at the segment’s mid-point.

To modify or remove the path:

  • Delete a point - Double click on solid white points.
  • Move a point - Left click on a point (end or mid) and drag to a new location.
  • Clear path - Click the “clear” text on the Tool dialog. This will remove the path graphic.
  • Reset - Click the “reset” text on the Tool dialog. This will reset the path start point to the center of the map.